Friday 5 March 2010

*~*Banoffee Pie*~*

Well what a strange day!!
But it really started last night when me and Paul got home from work
Our boss Carol decided to make tonight (Thursday) into a fun type work night..
She wanted us all to make something for her and Fatima (the other boss) to eat
Just little things like cakes and brownies just things like that
And them two would taste them and pick a winner and the winner gets £50!!
As well as that Carol was gonna bring in some beers for us all haha!!

So as soon as me and Paul got home we went round to Asda and got what we wanted to make..
We was in Asda for nearly 2 hours haha!!
We could not decide on what we wanted.. Then i decided that i will make a
Banoffee Pie!! .. 30 Min's later Paul decided he would make a strange "chocolate sundae"
So we got the stuff went home and started it!! Paul done all of his but i had to
Wait to this morning to put the cream on the top..
After all that we went to bed at 4am!!! haha!!

As soon as i woke up this morning i got the cream done and sent Paul to shop
For a flake lol!!
As Paul has a new car but he cant drive it until we get paid as he has no
Insurance or tax on it yet... so its just on my drive hehe!!
So i went and sat in the car with Paul and my dog Bonny for a bit today
Just listened to some music and had a fag and a chat before work!!

When we got to work today everyone was in such a good mood for some reason
It was actually fun!! (did not think i would ever say work was fun!!) haha
Everyone had made something for Carol and Fatima..
Me and Paul wanted one of us two to win just to get the money
To put towards a washing machine as that's all we need now for when we move
In to our house on the 13Th!!
But this 16 year old girl won, we dint know she makes cakes and sells them haha!!
But it was good fun then we all staggered home after the drink :D

I am now a member of a team on UkScrappers "Girls With Stash"....
So i am looking forward to getting to know everyone there :)

But for now I'm off to bed as I'm falling asleep here!!
I have nothing planned for tomorrow, except work...
So lets see what happens, I might get out and about with my camera :P
Depending on the weather really :)

Take Care
Love Leanne

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